Monday, June 16, 2008

They've got Personality + a new goal

I have recently taken note of what I consider to be a disturbing trend: Sanitary products are developing personalities. If you doubt what I have just extolled please visit Iris, the super sassy nurse, who will answer all your "girl" questions; or Have a Happy Period with Always on-line games. 'Nuff Said.
Because I need a new goal to not achieve I am focusing on shorter commentaries with the hope that it means more frequent posts.


Amanda said...

Is it wrong that I find that totally adorable?

It may be...

Anonymous said...

Did you make that critter? Or did you find the picture somewhere??

Bryna said...

It is never wrong to find sanitary products least according to the ad agencies. I did did not create the 'Pon Ghost on my own...she is the result of a google search. :)

Jennifer said...

That's a relief! :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.