Sunday, April 13, 2008

Since I've Been Gone

It's been a while folks but I will not apologize. I started this blog to combat boredom and I my prolonged absence from blogging is in great part due to my return to competitive skating.
I joined the Esprit de Corps Adult synchronized team this year. Our competitive season began with 3-6 hours of practice a week back in September and culminated in February with a trip to the United States Synchronized Skating Championships where we won the silver medal.

While I was away from Blogging, several of my friends began blogging. Let me tell you, competing (not that blogging is really a competition) with people who have PhDs (see adorable children (see and keep in mind I have LOTS of friends with adorable children, all oh whom I could not list here in this entry) or adorable children and incredible picture taking skills (see is a bit stressful. But, alas the skating season is over and I am again bored. So until the weather in Boston acknowledges that is is spring, I am back at the keyboard. Please join me and I will attempt to make up for my lack of credentials and offspring.

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